For most sheep & cattle producers, now is the time when pasture growth rates are slowing down, right when energy requirements are at their highest for...
➡️ Lambing
➡️ Calving
➡️ Milk Production
Forage is typically low in fibre, so each kg of feed may not be fully utilised.
🔘 Do you see production losses his time of year?
🔘 Is your grazing management set for maximum pasture production?
🔘 Are your livestock scouring?
If you're saying yes to some or all of the above, some strategies to consider to improve animal performance through winter:
➡️ Offer hay [pasture or cereal will do], for two reasons:
1) To take the pressure off the pasture to slow down the rotation
2) To slow down the digestion, so each kg of forage is utilised
➡️ Offer some starch in the form of cereal grains
Our consultants are available to discuss the additional benefits of offering starch as a supplement at this time, contact your local Expert In Ruminant Productivity...
☎️ 08 8733 1888
Our Consultants
Tom Thorn
0427 243 319
Owen Rees
0429 437 823
Mikaela Baker
0457 243 319