A common concern producers have about feeding to lambing ewes are risks of mis-mothering or acidosis, however when done correctly, it can result in more kgs of lamb and fewer lambing problems by meeting energy requirements. Grain feeding can be safe, effective and improve the survival rate and even post-weaning growth rates due to starting off better.
Greater lamb produced boils down to...
🐑 The ewe has enough energy to lamb and be confident she will be fed, resulting in less chance of her leaving the lamb.
🐑 A full rumen and energy needs met, green pick and grain will provide energy, but we still need gut fill
🐑 Better quality colostrum - feeding grain increases the quality and quantity of colostrum, meaning greater intake and passive immunity transfer.
🐑 Greater milk production to support lamb growth
🐑 Energy needs of both the lamb and ewe are met, meaning conserved body condition for the ewe.
🐑 Imprint feeding - lambs that have been shown how to find and eat grain will be faster to take to feeding at a later date if required.
Once all protein, energy and fibre needs of the animal are met, the second focus is minerals. Growing a lamb and then going through birth puts immense stress on the animal that utilises large stores of minerals. It is vital to set the ewe up to lamb and then replace lost minerals for longevity of the flock.
TRAC Ruminant Productivity Consultants are here to help you get the most out of your Spring Lambing season.
☎️ 08 8733 1888
📩 info@totalresult.com.au
🌐 www.totalresult.com.au
Our Consultants
Tom Thorn
0427 243 319
Owen Rees
0429 437 823
Mikaela Baker
0457 243 319