Checklist for Ready Rams - Remember the 5 T's !!
For February joining, we need to set our Rams up from the start of December.
12-16 weeks prior assess the Body Condition Score (BCS). We are aiming for a score of 3.5, so if they are a bit too light we still have time to get them to productive condition with energy grains such as barley, to avoid any stumbling blocks to producing viable sperm.
8 weeks prior to joining, check your rams Teeth, Toes, Testes and Tossle to ensure there are no abnormalities, and replace any rams that won't hold up through joining. This time is also key to start feeding high protein diets for optimal sperm production. It takes 6-8 weeks for mature sperm to develop, so preparation must start early.
It takes 6 weeks to get good hoof hardening and hoof improvement. Supplying TPM Hoof Health as a loose lick in the paddock provides Copper, Biotin and Zinc, plus all the essential vitamins and minerals.
Copper strengthens the horn and connective tissue of the hoof. Biotin is necessary for keratin production, a structural protein in horn development, and Zinc, for hoof hardness and activates enzymes required for would healing and the prevention of lesions and dermatitis.
Lastly, don't forget to shear at the latest 3 months before joining, allowing them to have a short wool cover to help with heat stress, as well as adequate shade and water.
Contact Mark or Owen to discuss your Spring Lambing Preparation this year.
Our Consultants
Mark Facy
0437 243 320
Owen Rees
0429 437 823
Mikaela Baker
0457 243 391
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